Ranjha, Inc. Apps

Options Profit Calculator 1.1
Ranjha, Inc.
Options Profit Calculator just changed the mobile optionstradinggame. Building the perfect strategy on the go is nowpossible.Whether you have already entered a position or areplanning yourtrades for the next day, Options Profit Calculatormakes computingoption prices at any underlying price quick andeasy. With an easyto follow profit/loss table that shows you netgain as time goes onas the price of the underlying fluctuates,complex strategies arenow deciphered and simpler to understand thanever. From beginneroptions traders who are just starting out toprofessionals withyears of experience, Options Profit Calculatorcan offerconvenience to your trading workflow. Easily add anyamount of legsto your strategy and watch how each leg affects theprofit/losschart. You have complete control over the impliedvolatility, tradeprice, and quantity of contracts so that you cantailor any tradeto your portfolio and predictions. View net gain indollars,percentage, or as the closing price of the trade right ontheprofit/loss chart. Want a more detailed breakdown of how thenetgain was calculated? Just tap on any outcome and get the exactmathsimplified line by line. ► Live market data prefills bid/askpricesand implied volatility for your convenience but iscompletelyeditable by you. ► Quickly and easily add and removemultiple legsacross multiple expiries with a proper option chainlayout. ► Scanthe entire option chain based on your expected movein theunderlying and initial outlay to filter out uninterestingandirrelevant options. ► Refresh the legs in your strategy toupdatetheir implied volatilities to current market levels whilestillkeeping your custom trade price intact. ► View detailedinformationfor every leg of your strategy including the Greeks. ►Vary theprice of the underlying on the profit/loss table eitherbypercentage or dollar amount increments. ► Get acomprehensiveprofit/loss breakdown for each leg of your strategy. ►View onlycertain weekdays, hide weekends, or view only the first ofeverymonth until expiry to help simplify longer dated options. IcreatedOptions Profit Calculator out of pure need for acomprehensible anduncomplicated way to build options strategies onthe go. I am not acompany, brokerage, or investment firm -- I am atrader, just likeyou. Note: Usage of Options Profit Calculator issubject to theseTerms and Conditions and Privacy Policy which canbe found at thefollowing link or in the app.http://optionsprofitapp.com/terms/Options Profit Calculator offersa monthly and annual subscriptionfor Options Profit Calculator Pro.If subscribed, a monthly orannual charge will be applied to yourGoogle Play account.Subscriptions will automatically renew unlesscanceled within24-hours before the end of the current period. Youcan cancelanytime with your Google Play account settings.